Control AmbiguitiesΒΆ

To prevent ambiguities, python-lpd8 checks that each pad and knob has a unique note/control/program associated with it. If an ambiguity is detected, you are left with a choice: Shall python-lpd8 throw an exception or shall it attemt to fix the problem?

By default python-lpd8 will throw an exception letting you know that there is a problem. If you want it to be fixed, call the constructor like this:

lpd8 = LPD8Device(solveAmbiguity=True)

python-lpd8 will then try to fix any ambiguity by increasing the note/control/program until it is unique across the entire device. Additionally all pad toggles will be set to off and all knob ranges are set to 0-127.


All programs on the device will be (partially) overwritten by this! Backup your programs before enabling this setting.