
Python-lpd8 works by handling all the midi communication with the lpd8 device for you. All you have to do is decide which callback you want attached to which pad or knob. This quickstart will show you how to use python-lpd8 with mido, a MIDI library. The mido interface is currently the only one that is currently available.

Opening device

First we need to create a device instance:

from lpd8mido import LPD8DeviceMido

lpd8 = LPD8DeviceMido()

Python-lpd8 will fetch the first LPD8 device that isn’t yet occupied. If it can’t find a free device, it throws an exception.

Attaching Callbacks

Callbacks are called with the following signature:

def callback(programNum: int,
             padNum: int,
             knobNum: int,
             value: int,
             noteon: int,
             noteoff: int,
             cc: int,
             pc: int) -> None:

programNum, padNum and knobNum refer to the indices of the program and pad/knob of the pad/knob that triggered the callback.


In python-lpd8 all indices are 0-indexed, while LPD8 is 1-indexed. For example: Program 1 has the index 0, pad 7 has the index 6!

value refers to either the velocity with which pads were hit or the value a knob has been turned to.

The additional parameters shall not concern us for now.

A simple callback function might look like this:

def exampleCallback(programNum: int, padNum: int, knobNum: int, value: int, noteon: int, noteoff: int, cc: int, pc: int):
    print("CB program: %s pad: %s knob: %s value: %s" % (programNum, padNum, knobNum, value))

It does nothing more than to print the program index, pad/knob index and value it receives. To have this callback called everytime we press or release pad 1, we do the following:

lpd8.addPadCB(0, 0, exampleCallback)
#lpd8.addKnobCB(0, 0, exampleCallback) # For knobs

If you press and release pad 1 you will see the following printed:

CB program: 0 pad: 0 knob: None value: 63
CB program: 0 pad: 0 knob: None value: 127